• Fractures of the Calcaneus (Heel Bone Fractures)

    What is the Calcaneus? The calcaneus, also called the heel bone, is a large bone that forms the foundation of the rear part of the foot. The calcaneus connects with the talus and cuboid bones. The connection between the talus and calcaneus forms the subtalar joint. This joint is important for normal

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  • Fractures of the Fifth Metatarsal

    What is a Fifth Metatarsal Fracture? Fractures (breaks) are common in the fifth metatarsal – the long bone on the outside of the foot that connects to the little toe. Two types of fractures that often occur in the fifth metatarsal are:   Avulsion fracture. In an avulsion fracture, a small

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  • Frostbite

    Frostbite occurs when a body part is exposed to extreme cold. If conditions are cold enough for the water within the tissues to freeze and form ice crystals, cell death can occur. The feet, hands, ears and nose are particularly prone to frostbite due to their location away from the body’s core. Mild

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  • Fungal Nails

    A fungus is an organism that lives in warm moist areas. Fungus of the toenails is a common problem that can affect people of all ages, although it most commonly affects individuals who are older.  Toenail fungus often begins as an infection in the skin called tinea pedis (also known as athlete’s

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  • Ganglion Cyst

    What Is a Ganglion Cyst? A ganglion cyst is a sac filled with a jellylike fluid that originates from a tendon sheath or joint capsule. The word “ganglion” means “knot” and is used to describe the knot-like mass or lump that forms below the surface of the skin.   Ganglion cysts are among

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