What we guarantee:
1. That you will be satisfied with the comfort and function of your orthotics
2. That if you are not satisfied with your orthotics within the first six months after receiving them that you can return them and be reimbursed for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred for the orthotic devices
What this guarantee does not guarantee:
1. That you won’t require treatment for your condition in addition to the orthotics
2. That the orthotics will completely cure your foot problem
What we have to do:
1. Order you the best orthotics available, designed with your specific diagnosis in mind.
2. Provide you with appropriate instructions and support for getting used to the orthotics
3. Make adjustments to the orthotics, if necessary, if they are not feeling comfortable, not fitting properly into your shoes, and/or are not helping with your foot problem
4. Re-order the orthotics if, after adjustments, the devices are still not functioning to your satisfaction.
5. Provide you with a refund of your out-of-pocket orthotic cost if you’re still not satisfied
What you have to do:
1. Follow the break-in instructions for getting used to the orthotics
2. Keep your orthotic recheck appointment for 4 weeks after receiving the devices
3. Talk to us – let us know if you’re not satisfied with the orthotics in any way. Our goal is to make you and your feet happy!
4. Get compatible shoes to fit the custom orthotics.